One after another they all came down like vultures.
They cared least about the boy
All they wanted was their share of his flesh
They spoke about their acquaintances yet had none
They praised his work yet mocked his youth
They cursed his Man and taunted his love
They came for his funeral and scorned at his follies
They went back and they all wrote…
Wrote about his death, wrote about his silence
Wrote about his Man, wrote about his drawbacks
But little did they know the life he led
Little did they know the work he did
Little did they know the smile he had
Little did they know about him
They mocked him in public
They mocked him in private
They mocked his friends for their grieving silence
They mocked his Man and mocked more
Little did they know the relationship they shared
Little did they know he was named after Him by his father
Little did they know he wanted to be Him
At the tender age he was, he dreamt big
That dream was both inspired and fulfilled by his Man
Yet they mock, mock, mock… they made a tamasha of his death
(Written on very public death of a dear friend)