The Trust Vote gave India its two new political heroes – Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Lok Shabha Speaker Somnath Chatterjee. Two people who have ensured their place in the political history of our country. Both risked their career for their conviction and their love for the country. However the impact on the individuals has been different. Singh’s stature grew within his party. From being a ‘nikamma’ PM, he became a politician. Chatterjee was however thrown out by his arrogant party.
The root of trouble for both these personalities has been the egotism of the Left in India. The communist withdrew support from the UPA government because it is still caught in the cold war mental frame. Even though their leaders visit the US often, even though their leaders enjoy the American brands and products, when it comes to politics they are habitual American haters. Their bread and butter depend in bashing everything that has the word ‘America’ attached. Be it McDonald’s or Manmohan!
The arrogance of the communists was showcased the way it kicked out Somnath Chatterjee from their party. Biman Bose, CPM Bengal secretary, told the media, “Chatterjee may have acted according to the Indian Constitution but the party constitution is supreme in case of party members.” Bose clearly indicates that his party doesn’t believe in the Indian Constitution.
Before the trust vote, CPM General Secretary Prakash Karat told the media that it was up to Chatterjee to decide whether to quit. Now the Bose had the audacity to acknowledge to The Telegraph that “What Prakash said was for media and public consumption. But Somnath was told in no uncertain terms the party wanted him to conform to its line.” Prakash Karat should be sued for lying. Bose specifies that they have no respect for public opinion, leave alone freedom of press. The communist simply do not believe in democracy. How can it claim that the whole country is against the nuclear deal with the US? Even if it was, does it matter in the communist scheme of things?!
Somnath Chatterjee is one of those rare breed of leaders who appeals both to the masses and the intelligentsia. Bholpur, his constituency, is mourning the decision of his party. But does it really matter whether he is a member of a political party or not? He has already declared his decision not to contest again. As a speaker, he had anyways refrained from participating in party matters. The 10-time MP is said to have already decided to quit the party, it was a preumptive move by Karat from facing further embarrassment after the Left’s defeat in the Trust Vote.
Do you know that when Chatterjee contested his first election as an independent-backed by CPM? Late Promode Dasgupta had sent over two comrades to make him sign a blank piece of paper. That was his initiation into CPM. That signature made him a card holder. Now, no more.