Fashion in preservation is what little Lhasa, or Mcleodganj, nestled in the hilly arms of Himachal Pradesh, embodies. It boasts a unique retail market where the popular brands may not score high, but slot there definitely is for some niche ones. What therefore prevails is a bubbling mix of ethnicity flowing freely into change. By Kunal Majumder

Up the sharp, winding stretch leading to the Kangra valley, along a five km stretch at a height of 4,780 feet above sea level, one comes across a hub of what may be described as the ultimate in street fashion. This is the little pocket where ‘prisoners of conscience’ tailors, cheek-by-jowl with Tibetan escapees and the appointed guardians of the Tibetans-in-exile, are steeped in the craft of their land. McLeodganj in Dharamsala, also called ‘Little Lhasa’, is that patch on earth where fashion takes a new meaning from shop to shop.
(c) To read the complete article pick up the December issue of Sportswear International India