The red-hued soil of Tagore’s Santiniketan has created a fashion genre all its own. From leather bags and accessories to footwear and macramé jewellery, and to apparel and accessories in […]
Sportswear brand Indian Terrain plans to open 50 exclusive stores by 2009 and achieve a turnover of Rs 100 crore in the next three years. Kunal Majumder discusses the brand’s […]
A one time small retailer has branched out into a chain of six stores with plans to spread itself further in the northern market. From a small traditional retailer of […]
AN EMPIRE WORTH $400 MILLION, Deepak Seth’s business traverses 12 countries in three continents. His enterprise House of Pearls Fashion Ltd (HOPFL), a fashion export giant, caters to the apparel […]
Q. Why should Indians be following the US elections?
A. What happens in the US has significance and repercussions for India and indeed the rest of the world in terms of foreign policy, economic policy etc. To begin with the geo-politics, who wins will have a bearing on the war in Iraq. A McCain victory will spell an extended stay in Iraq with its own consequences. An Obama will mean other consequences that may arise from a quick US withdrawal.
Q. What are the issues related to India in the elections?
A. There are not may direct issues. India does not figure in a big way but the fact is the debates about the economy and jobs in the election have a bearing on India. Also, the debates on immigration are relevant to some Indians.